Bold Impact Group

Keynote Speaking

If you are looking to engage, inspire, and empower your audience, Lyna delivers educational and captivating keynotes.

Born and raised in Kenya, Lyna immigrated to the USA in the mid-90s as a student. Having experienced many struggles, Lyna used these as opportunities to find solutions. She believes that her life-long educational journey has led her into leadership opportunities, such as becoming the first nurse leader of African descent in a level one trauma hospital, the founder of a non-profit that increases the visibility of immigrant and refugee nurses, and becoming the owner and founder of Bold Impact Group.


Lyna’s story inspires others that they too can overcome. That through service, hard work, faith and determination, a young immigrant girl from Kenya who attended school barefooted in mud-walled classrooms, can rise above her circumstances to be an outstanding student, distinguished alumni, and to serve as leader of many organizations and have many pairs of shoes lol! She is a role model and tireless mentor who believes that sharing knowledge and expertise is the most invaluable way to create positive and leave a mark in this world. She lives by the quote, “If your presence doesn’t create an impact, your absence won’t make a difference.”


Book your call today!